Shoot LYdia from a F@#!in' CANNON!!!

Well hear it is, folks... MY FIRST GAME!!!!! Check it out!


NOTE!!!! This gaem will only work wel in Google Chroam, Saffari, or Fire Fox 3 or latter. DONT USE INTERNET EXPLOADER OK!!!! ITS BAD FOR U AND DOESANT SUPORT WEB STANDERDS!!!!

Ok, click on the tital screen to start off. Then as teh canon mooves back and forth click to select an angal. Then watch the meter charje up and down and click again to select a speed. Then.... OFF SHE GOES!!!! Try to make her get as far as possible! Then u can get a high SCOAR!!!

You can use the back buton to quit, or if you wanna play again CLICK ON TEH SCREEN!!!!11